This page is archived news covering the period of January 2014
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Daily Nickel Market News & Stainless Steel Prices

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Stainless Steel News and Prices

Friday, January 31

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Thursday's trading session at $6.29/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.03/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading lower as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses fell on Thursday and now total just over the 266,500 tonne level. While China markets were closed last night, European equity markets opened in a foul mood on deflationary fears this morning, and Dow futures show US markets could open lower as well. US investors will get a look at December consumer spending today, as well as January's University of Michigan’s consumer-sentiment survey reading. Nickel trading had another volatile month on Indonesia' ore export ban, but that has fizzled here in the last week. In fact, nickel is now trading for less than it was on the first day of the month, in London, India, and China, but has yet to reach the low levels it did during the second week of the month. Base metals trading has suffered as part of an overall exit from risky investments as emerging markets get hammered by the Fed's decision to taper. What February will bring remains to be seen but China will be closed for much of the first week. Nickel has now fallen below its 20, 50 and 100 day moving averages, so it not yet showing signs of finding a bottom to its week long free fall. Have a safe and relaxing weekend.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.39/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Copper Has Longest Losing Streak Since 1998 on China Concern - more
  • Reuters metals morning - Aluminium hits fresh 4-1/2 yr low amid China growth worry - more


  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.77
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (Merafe PR) Merafe’s attributable ferrochrome production from the Glencore-Merafe Chrome Venture (the Venture) was 32% higher year on year. This increase was as a result of higher demand, resulting in operating utilisation of 87% of the Venture’s smelting capacity. Ferrochrome sales volumes for 2013 increased by 23% year on year.
  • (SSY) According to the latest World Steel Dynamics SteelBenchmarker, the world export price for hot rolled band rose slightly in the second half of January 2014, up $1/t to $564/t. This is $14/t below the year-ago level. US and Chinese HRB prices both fell, by $1/t to $743/t and by $2/t to $475/t respectively. This marks the lowest Chinese HRB price for seven months. EU HRB prices rose by $2/t to $610/t over the same period, in line with the trend of recent months.

   Chinese-Backed Nickel Mining Project Draws Concerns in Chin State - A planned nickel-mining project in the mountains of Burma’s poorest state is causing concern among locals worried about its environmental impact. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Thursday, January 30

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Wednesday's trading session at $6.35/lb . Indicators at 6:50 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.05/lb lower, with all London traded base metals trading lower this morning. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME licensed warehouses rose to a fifth consecutive record high at 266,718 tonnes. HSBC released its China manufacturing PMI numbers overnight and their final numbers confirmed an early contraction reading, albeit slightly worse at 49.5. Yesterday, the US Fed announced it would back off a little more on its tapering. Turkey is still wrestling with the devaluation of their currency as the stress on emerging markets begins to unfold. This cocktail of negative investment news is not helping nickel, which has been trading lower since last Friday. We are nearing another level of support at $6.30/lb, this one might actually slow down nickel's decline, unless the escape from riskier investments like base metals continues. China is closed for business thru mid next week for their week long New Year holiday. Asian markets ended lower overnight, with European markets trading lower but off earlier lows. US Dow futures are higher at the moment with technical traders fixated on a key support level the S&P is toying with.    
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.40/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Aluminum Touches Four-Year Low as China Manufacturing Contracts - more
  • Reuters metals morning - Copper falls to near two-month low on weak Chinese demand - more


  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.77
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • The numbers don't lie: Why the industrial minerals sector is here to stay - more

    Indonesia's Ore Export Ban Expected to Improve Demand & Supply for Ni =China's production of Ni is likely to decrease drastically= The world demand-and-supply balance for nickel has continued to be in a state of excess supply for more than 3 years, which arose from mass production of nickel pig iron (NPI) in China. - more

    Indonesia sees plunge in nickel ore, bauxite output in 2014 - Indonesian production of nickel, iron and aluminium ores is expected to plummet in 2014, the mines ministry said on Wednesday, following a strict government ban on exports of unprocessed minerals. - more

    PolyMet Hearings Draw Big Crowds, Decision Still Long Ways Off - The final of three major public hearings for Minnesota’s first proposed copper-nickel mine drew another big crowd in St. Paul, just like previous hearings in Duluth and Aurora earlier this month. - more

    BNC smelter upgrade important short-term focus for Mwana - The most important short-term focus for Aim-listed Mwana Africa’s Bindura Nickel Corporation (BNC), in Zimbabwe, was to get the operation’s smelter running once again, CEO Kalaa Mpinga said on Wednesday. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Wednesday, January 29

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Tuesday's trading session at $6.42/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.01/lb lower, with other base metals mostly higher, but very quiet. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses rose to its fourth consecutive record high at 264,432 tonnes. Markets appear to be on hold this morning to see what the US Fed will announce as it concludes its two day meeting. The possibility of further tapering, and how much it might be, and how that might affect emerging markets, leads traders concerns this morning. Nickel slipped below its 20 day moving average yesterday, with the 50 day moving average at $6.30/lb today. Asian markets followed yesterday's US close and ended higher. European markets opened higher this morning, and while they remain positive, they have been sliding since the opening. US Dow futures are negative. Chinese markets are officially open for one more day before they begin a week long holiday.  
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.40/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Copper Snaps 5-Day Drop as Investors Await Fed’s Decision - more


  • US Imports of Stainless Steel Mill Products - more
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.77
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (AMM) Stainless scrap prices drop as nickel contracts cool off
  • (MB) Ferro-chrome market facing oversupply in 2014, Roskill says
  • (AM) Chinese low carbon ferrochrome market keeps stable but weak

    Water Contamination a Major Topic at PolyMet Mine Hearing - There was a massive turnout in St. Paul on Tuesday night as the public debated a first-of-its-kind mining project in one of the most pristine parts of Minnesota. - more

  • 1,500 pack St. Paul hearing on contentious PolyMet mine proposal - more

    Angry landowners assault two miners - Two Chinese employees of the RamuNiCo project at the Kurumbukari mine site were assaulted and wounded by frustrated landowners last week. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Tuesday, January 28

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Monday's trading session at $6.40/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.02/lb higher, with other London traded base metals trading mixed and quiet. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses rose to its third consecutive record high on Monday, to 264,288 tonnes. Asian markets ended lower overnight, but European markets are trading higher, with US Dow futures also pointed north. The situation in Indonesia continues to grow more confusing, as each week brings more news of potentially expanding export restrictions. And in China, the primary target of these restrictions, the price of refined nickel is on the decline. Technically, the short term trend for nickel remains bullish. But looking at the price chart, one must admit that the recent spike may have been no more than a knee jerk reaction to the Indonesia ban, and that a bearish mood has set in.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.40/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)


  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.76
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • El Nino May Return as Models Signal Warming of Pacific Ocean - more
  • ENSO-neutral conditions to continue into autumn - more

    Indonesia to limit exports of processed minerals - Indonesia will issue export quotas for processed minerals and concentrates soon, a senior mines ministry official said, the latest policy step tied to controversial government efforts to take greater control over shipments of its natural resources. - more

  • Export Ban Has Jakarta Doing Math - Indonesia’s ban on exports of key mineral ores — unless they are processed in the country — risks backfiring as weaker commodity prices mean it is not cost-effective to invest in expensive smelters and refineries. - more

    BHPB's Production of Ferroalloys and Nickel in Former Half of 2013 = Compared to production of year-earlier period, Mn ore is flat and Mn alloy is up = On January 22, BHP Billiton Limited (BHPB) announced its production results and sales volumes both in the former half of 2013 (July to December) and in the period from October to December. - more

    KGHM International to cut back at Sudbury mine - Company photo Employees at KGHM International's McCreedy West Mine are waiting to learn their fate after hearing from company officials last week that as many as 70 of 100 members of United Steelworkers Local 2020 could be laid off Feb. 16. - more

    Australia's Poseidon seeks capital to rework nickel mine - Poseidon Nickel, the reincarnation of the company behind one of the most spectacular stock crashes in Australia, is in talks with investors to raise capital to help finance the development of a long-dormant nickel deposit as the outlook for the metal brightens. - more

    PolyMet mine hearing could draw large crowd to St. Paul hearing - The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Forest Service are hosting a public meeting Tuesday night on an environmental review of what's proposed to be the first copper-nickel mine in the state. - more

    Courtesy AISI - In the week ending January 25, 2014, domestic raw steel production was 1,824,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 76.1 percent. Production was 1,832,000 net tons in the week ending January 25, 2013, while the capability utilization then was 76.5 percent. The current week production represents a 0.4 percent decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending January 25, 2014 is down 0.7 percent from the previous week ending January 18, 2014 when production was 1,836,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 76.6 percent.

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Monday, January 27

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Friday's trading session at $6.57/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.08/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading mostly lower as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME licensed warehouses rose to a record high for a second consecutive session on Friday and now total 264,090 tonnes. China markets will close for a week long holiday on Friday, and while one might expect the forthcoming week to be somewhat quiet, there are other factors that could add a degree of volatility. We have the Fed meeting for two days starting Tuesday, and concerns over Fed tapering always add some uncertainty to world markets. US equity market futures are positive this morning but the cliff dive they took last week are still rebounding thru world markets, which are mostly lower this morning. As traders pull back from risky trades, commodities see prices fall. Nickel is still showing some resiliency, but we are watching weak support at $6.49/lb to give some possible guidance for the upcoming week.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.40/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Nickel Drops for Third Day on Speculation Over Indonesia Ore Ban - more
  • WSJ metals morning - Nickel Underperforms With LME Trade Cautious Ahead of FOMC - more


  • AIIS December 2013 Steel Market Survey - doc here
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.80
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • TD Commodity Price Forecast - pdf here
  • (FAN) Chinese import prices for ferrochrome and charge chrome were unchanged this week, as market activities slowed ahead of the Lunar New Year holidays starting end-January.
  • Activist investor Cevian ups Thyssen stake to 12-15 pct -source - more

    Lead, Zinc, Nickel to Advance, UBS's Schnider Says - Dominic Schnider, head of commodities research at UBS AG's wealth-management unit in Singapore, talks about the outlook for the metals and cocoa markets. He speaks with Rishaad Salamat on Bloomberg Television's "On the Move." - video here

    Antam and Vale Receive Green Light on Processed Mineral Exports - Antam and Vale Indonesia — two of the biggest nickel producers in the country — have secured a recommendation letter to export their processed mineral products, almost two weeks after the government enforced a ban on ore shipments. - more

     SBMA stops nickel ore unloading following protests - Officials here have stopped the unloading of soil bearing nickel ore following complaints from environmental advocates against what they said was the use of this free port as a temporary storage area for pollutants. - more

     LME Ni Price Takes Break after Rebounding and Inventory Also Increases =Impact of Indonesia's ore export ban fades away= LME nickel price as cash seller settled on January 20 was US$14,435/MT, down from the last weekend. - more

    PolyMet proposal: The case in favor - more

  • PolyMet proposal: The case against - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Friday, January 24

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Thursday's trading session at $6.62/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.06/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading mixed and mostly higher, Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME licensed warehouses rose to a new all time record high on Thursday and now total 263,898 tonnes. Nickel is down today as stockpiles reach new record highs, after 3 weeks that were hinting new record high levels may have ended. Market is still reacting negatively to yesterday's flash PMI reading from China, showing manufacturing growth may have turned negative in December. Looking at nickel's trading technical signals, nickel is still reading nearly 99 on the stochastic indicator, which implies nickel is heavily overbought, but still bullish. If nickel closes below $6.70/lb again today, we may get a bearish signal, that a strong line of resistance could not be breached. China begins a week long New Year holiday break beginning late next week, so Chinese nickel and stainless steel markets have grown quiet. The official public holiday runs from next Friday thru the following Thursday. The 'unofficial' holiday begins next Thursday and lasts thru the 15th of February. Have a safe and relaxing weekend.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.38/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Copper Trades Near One-Month Low Amid China Credit-Risk Concern - more
  • Wall Street Journal metals morning - Support For Nickel Stalls, LME Metals Edge Lower  - more


  • worldsteel Annual Production 2013 - pdf here
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.80
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (SMM) The British banking giant Barclays expects LME nickel prices to average around $15,000 a ton this year and $17,000 a ton in 2015.
  • (SSY) The HSBC Flash China Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index fell to a six month low of 49.6 in January 2014. This is the fourth month in succession the index has fallen, and the first time since August 2013 it has dropped below the benchmark of 50 (indicating an expansion in activity).
  • (CFI) Taiwan’s fastener exports hit record high in 2013 to 1.46 million tons, up 5.78% over 2012 due to the recovery of European, American, and Russian markets.

    Indonesia's mining exports at standstill after new rules -govt officials - Indonesia's metal ore and concentrate exports have ground to a complete halt, government officials said on Friday, signalling the turmoil in the mining sector after a ban on ore shipments and an export tax were imposed nearly two weeks ago. - more

    China Ferrochrome: Import prices flat amid slowdown ahead of Lunar New Year holidays - Chinese import prices for ferrochrome and charge chrome were unchanged this week, as market activities slowed ahead of the Lunar New Year holidays starting end-January. - more

    Production of Stainless Steel Products in November 2013 Is 230,097 Tons =Down by 8% from prior month, and production of both Ni-type and Cr-type decrease= On January 20, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announced the production volume of stainless steel products (hot-rolled products) in November 2013 was 230,097 tons, which represented a decrease of 7.9% versus the prior month and an increase of 7.5% versus the year-earlier month. - more

    Xstrata Nickel bribes lawmakers, journalists, officials: Senator - La Vega senator Euclides Sanchez on Thursday accused Xstrata Nickel’s Dominican Republic operation (Falcondo) of bribing lawmakers, journalists, and Government officials, which he didn’t identify, to mine Loma Miranda (central). - more

    Republicans support copper-nickel mining permits - The Minnesota 8th Congressional District Republican Committee announced its strong support for copper-nickel mining and projects seeking permitting in Minnesota. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Thursday, January 23

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Wednesday's trading session at $6.71/lb . Indicators at 6:50 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.06/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading lower as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses rose on Wednesday and now total just under 261,400 tonnes. Metals are lower this morning after an initial report of the SBC/Markit China manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index reported a negative reading for the first time in six months in December. This was unexpected and the markets do not like surprises. Most concerning was a continued contraction in new export orders and employment. Nickel has butt up against the $6.70/lb line of resistance we have been talking about, and after one close above, it appears it may not be able to do it for a second consecutive day. News was much lighter today, with neither Reuters or Bloomberg issuing a morning metals report.   
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.37/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)


  • Sucden Quarterly Metals Report Jan 2014 - pdf here
  • World crude steel output increases by 3.5% in 2013 - more
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.80
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (Reuters) China's MMG Ltd has held talks recently on a possible sale of its Avebury nickel mine in Australia, and hopes a jump in nickel prices following an Indonesian export ban could boost the sale price, its chief financial officer said on Thursday.
  • (China) Manufacturing PMI expected to hit 6-month low - more

    (India) Nickel down 0.5% on global cues - Amid a weak global trend and low domestic demand, nickel prices declined 0.52% to Rs 907.60 per kg in futures trade today as speculators trimmed their positions. - more

    Global steel output hits new record in 2013, boosted by China - Global steel production hit a new record high in 2013 helped by strong output performances in China and other Asian countries which offset a contraction in Europe and the United States, data from an industry body showed on Thursday. - more

    Sherritt says Ambatovy nickel operations reach commercial output - Sherritt International Corp said on Wednesday its Ambatovy nickel operations in Madagascar had achieved commercial production. - more

    Supporters pack PolyMet mine hearing in Aurora - The second of three hearings on the proposed PolyMet copper-nickel mine drew hundreds of supporters who hope the project returns jobs and needed revenue to the Iron Range in northeastern Minnesota. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Wednesday, January 22

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Tuesday's trading session at $6.69/lb . Indicators at 6:50 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.01/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading lower and quietly as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses fell on Tuesday and now total 260,700 tonnes. This is 768 tonnes lower than it read on January 2nd. Nickel is showing some hesitation as it approached the technical line of resistance at $6.70/lb. This is an important line of resistance as it marks the highest level nickel has traded in the last six months and was last hit in early August. Successfully breaking thru and holding above this level could send a strong bullish signal to the market. An inability to successfully punch thru this level, and hold above it, could send an equally strong bearish signal. Speaking of bearish and bullish signals, compare the nickel forecasts by Morgan Stanley and Goldman in our first article below. Keep in mind that the nickel industry wants everyone to believe the Indonesia nickel ore ban is a fundamental shift in the industry. With many mines spending the latter part of 2013 selling at a loss, they need the market to be concerned so it will drive prices higher. How long this concern will last, will determine how long traders drive the price higher. With the week long Chinese New Year holiday starting at the end of next week, signals from China will not come quickly. If they are concerned about future supply, they have yet to show their hand.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.35/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Copper Declines on Speculation Chinese Holidays to Curb Demand - more


  • Sucden Metals Market Report - January 2014 - pdf here
  • AK Steel February Stainless Steel Surcharge - pdf here
  • Oryx Stainless Monthly - pdf here
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.81
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • China imported 6.46 million tonnes of nickel ore in December, down 17.4% m-o-m.
  • Vale CEO Ferreira says drop in iron ore prices temporary - more
  • You Can Potentially Make A Boatload Of Dollars On Nickel  - more
  • World Economic Outlook (WEO) Update - more

    Morgan Stanley Sees Nickel Oversupply, Goldman Sees Rally - The nickel market remains oversupplied and prices will hover near current levels, according to a report by Morgan Stanley (MS) today that contrasts with forecasts from Citigroup Inc. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. for a rally. - more

    Indonesian mining group challenges ore export ban in court - Indonesia's Mineral Entrepreneurs Association has filed a legal challenge against a ban on ore exports introduced less than two weeks ago. - more

    China Nickel Imports and Exports Data December 2013 - The General Administration of China Customs released data of China's December imports and exports of nickel on January. mt) - more

    Philippines Nickel Asia sees price, not volume, gains on Indonesia ban - Philippine nickel ore producer Nickel Asia Corp is seeing a jump in enquiries after neighbour Indonesia banned ore exports this month, but is sold out and expects to benefit from the ban through higher prices, senior executives said. - more

    Stainless Crude Steel Production by Major SUS Mills in Nov. 294,898 Tons =Down by 3.6% from prior month= The stainless crude steel production by 7 major stainless steel mills in November 2013 was 294,898 tons, down by 3.6% from 305,663 tons of the prior month. - more

    2nd public meeting on proposed PolyMet copper-nickel mine set for Iron Range city of Aurora - The second public meeting on the proposed PolyMet copper-nickel mine is being held in the Iron Range city of Aurora. - more

    RNCOS White Paper: Global Nickel Production to Cross 2.3 Million Metric Tons Mark by 2017  - Global nickel industry was supported by the world economic growth until 2007 with rising production of primary nickel metal. - more

    Indonesia’s ban on raw mineral exports may be Royal Nickel’s gain - Indonesia’s outright ban on exports of raw nickel ore will put upward pressure on prices and make Royal Nickel Corp.’s $1.2-billion mining project in Northwestern Quebec more attractive to investors, CEO Tyler Mitchelson said Tuesday. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Tuesday, January 21

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Monday's trading session at $6.61/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.04/lb higher, with other London traded base metals trading lower. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses fell on Monday and now total just under the 260,850 tonne level. Stockpiles of nickel have fallen on 9 of 14 sessions so far this month, but the overall total is just over 600 tonnes lower. Goldman Sachs is forecasting the price of nickel will see more gains because of the Indonesia nickel ore export ban, while Roskill is forecasting the effect the ban will have on the overall supply glut will become evident in 2016-2017. The Euro is trading lower this morning and this is adding negative pressure to base metals trading. The short term trend for nickel trading remains positive.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.33/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning -
  • Reuters metals morning - Copper slips on China concern, nickel resumes climb - more


  • Allegheny Ludlum February Stainless Steel Surcharge - more
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.83
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (CK) China, the world's largest steel producer, saw its crude steel output increase 6.5% year on year to 62.35 million tons in Dec 2013, according to the latest statistics released by the National Bureau of Statistics. In whole year of 2013, the country saw its crude steel output amount to 779.04 million tons, 7.5% more than it realized in the previous year.
  • (AM) Japan’s stainless crude steel output rises by 2% in Jan-Nov
  • ISSF is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Kai Hasenclever as Director Economics & Statistics and Long Products. Kai succeeds Peter Kaumanns in this role.
  • Mwana Africa reports positive progress at Trojan mine - more

    Nickel Seen Extending Rally by Goldman on Indonesia Ban - Nickel, the best-performing industrial metal this year, may extend its rally as Indonesia’s ban on unprocessed ore exports crimps supply, according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. - more

    Indonesia's Nickel ban not set in Stone - Following months of uncertainty surrounding Indonesia's export ban on raw material exports, on January 12th the country defied the cynics by implementing its controversial policy, with nickel and bauxite exports most affected. - more

    Market Trend of Import of Ferroalloy as of 15 January 2014 =Shipment of Chinese ferroalloys is shifted after turn of Chinese New Year = Market trend of import of ferroalloy as of 15 January 2014 is as follows. - more

    We need guarantees to continue: Xstrata Nickel Dom. Rep. - The CEO of Xstrata Nickel’s Dominican Republic operation (Falcondo) on Sunday reiterated that the company’s presence in the country depends on a long term mining, with cheap electricity available, to produce and compete in world markets. - more

    Courtesy AISI - In the week ending January 18, 2014, domestic raw steel production was 1,836,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 76.6 percent. Production was 1,832,000 net tons in the week ending January 18, 2013, while the capability utilization then was 76.5 percent. The current week production represents a 0.2 percent increase from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending January 18, 2014 is up 0.3 percent from the previous week ending January 11, 2014 when production was 1,830,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 76.4 percent.

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Monday, January 20

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Friday's trading session at $6.57/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.10/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading mostly lower and quiet. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME licensed warehouses rose on Friday and now total just over the 261,250 tonne level. Cancelled warrants to continue to run in the 40% range. Commodities are lower after reports show Chinese industrial-production growth in December slowed a bit more than expected. Technical charts show nickel ended Friday in overbought territory, implying more correction was possible. We are seeing this today, and we will have to wait and see what the rest of the week brings. Nickel was the ugly step child of base metals traders last year, and the Indonesia nickel ore ban has given them some hope the metal will trade with a little more volatility than it has. Stainless steel producers, on the other hand, do not look forward to nickel price volatility. I see it didn't take long for the Super Bowl to be called the Stoner Bowl, with the Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks representing the only two states where recreational marijuana use is legal.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.31/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Copper Drops as Economic Growth Slows in Leading Consumer China - more
  • Reuters metals morning -


  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.87
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (MF) Japan’s output of stainless steel crude steel down by 3.6% in November
  • China Steel to continue price increases - more
  • China's economy grows 7.7% in 2013 - more

    Allegheny Price Increase - Effective with shipments beginning on February 3, 2014, ATI Allegheny Ludlum is increasing base selling prices for all Precision Rolled Strip products. The price increase will be achieved by: -  increasing the net transaction price (before surcharge) by 6% for product thicknesses from 0.008¡¨ (0.023mm) through 0.015¡¨ (0.038mm); and - increasing the net transaction price (before surcharge) by 8% for thicknesses less than 0.008¡¨ (0.023mm). This action is necessary to support continued growth and investment in our business. We appreciate your continued support as we implement this price increase.

    Import price of India-origin material inches higher - The Chinese import price for Indian-origin ferrochrome (58-60% Cr) inched higher to 84-86 cents/lb CIF China Friday, from 84-85 cents/lb CIF a week ago, as Chinese buyers lifted their price ideas amid a strengthening Chinese yuan against the US dollar. - more

    Ni Price Rebounds Due to Indonesia's Implementation of Ore Export Ban =Price as cash seller is US$14,065 in the afternoon market on January 13, and still shows upward trend= The export ban on ores the Government of Indonesia already gave notice was implemented on January 12. Because of this, LME nickel price (cash seller) rebounded from the bottom price of US$13,365 and rose to US$14,065 in the afternoon market on January 13. - more

    Tata Steel launches India's First Ferro Manganese and Ferro Chrome Brands - Tata Steel has always endeavored to serve its customers with innovative products and superior quality. Continuing with its journey of excellence Tata Steel yesterday launched two new products, TATA FERROMAG (branded Ferro Manganese) and TATA TISCROME (branded Ferro Chrome). - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Friday, January 17

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Thursday's trading session at $6.63/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.06/lb lower, with most other London traded base metals trading lower as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME licensed warehouses fell on Thursday and now totals just under the 260,450 tonne level. While stockpiles have only set one new record high this month, total numbers are only 1,020 tonnes lower than they were on January 2nd. Nickel is trading off session lows, and while traders appear to be taking some week end profits, we see nothing in today's trading, that would lead us to believe the bullish run is over. On the trading chart, the relative strength index shows nickel is trading in overbought territory, with stochastic readings sending a similar signal. Nickel looks to end the week with a 6% gain in price, after last Sunday's nickel ore export ban began in Indonesia. We still look for $6.70/lb to put up a line of resistance, one that may actually give the market some resistance. Have a safe and relaxing weekend. 
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.28/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Dollar Gains as Europe Stocks Climb; Portugal Notes Rise - more
  • Reuters metals morning - LME nickel poised for 6 pct weekly gain on Indonesia export ban - more


  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.87
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • Base price increases on tubes and flat products - more
  • Outokumpu introduce daily alloy surcharges - more
  • (MF) US DOC levies anti-dumping duty on stainless steel pipes imports from Vietnam
  • Rigaku Publishes New Method for Analysis of Metals in Nickel Ore - more
  • ThyssenKrupp CEO tells investors needs time for overhaul - more

    Indonesia nickel ore ban may dent China's stocks-Norilsk - Indonesia's ban on nickel ore exports may lead to a fall in Chinese stocks of the material later this year, Russia's Norilsk Nickel, the world's largest producer of the metal, said. - more

    China’s Nickel-Ore Supply Seen Lasting 6 Months After Ban - Chinese mills that rely on low-grade ore from Indonesia to produce nickel pig iron, a substitute for the refined metal, have built stockpiles to last about six months, a Bloomberg News survey shows. - more

    Miners Chopping $10 Billion Search Bodes Next Price Boom - Mining companies are extending massive cuts in exploration budgets for a second year, setting up the next price boom as China continues its relentless pursuit of metals and energy. - more

    DNR: 1,200 pack Polymet hearing in Duluth - The first of three meetings on what could be the first copper-nickel mine in Minnesota got underway Thursday evening. - more

  • Divisive copper mine draws full house and strong views to first hearing - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Thursday, January 16

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Wednesday's trading session at $6.59/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.02/lb higher, with other London traded base metals trading mixed and mostly quiet. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses slipped on Wednesday and now total just under the 261,250 tonne level. Resistance at $6.50/lb put up very little resistance, and now we look at $6.70/lb for the next line of technical resistance. The nickel ore export ban in Indonesia continues to be the primary topic of discussion as analysts try to determine the immediate and long term effect it will have on the world market. The most notable statistic we have noticed this month is we saw 15 all time record high stockpiles recorded last month in LME licensed warehouses. That followed fourteen new record highs in November. So far this month? Only one. Some of this could be caused by a rash of year end shipments all hitting LME stockpile numbers. But the change has been dramatic, although the overall total, is only down 200 tonnes from the beginning of the year.    
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.23/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Nickel Gains to Near 11-Week High on Indonesian Ban - more
  • WSJ metals morning - Nickel Gains for 5th Session, But Rally Seen Fizzling - more


  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.86
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (CEN) China will remain the leading global consumer of wind turbine rotor blades over the coming years, with its market value expected to increase from $2 billion in 2012 to $3.7 billion by 2020, a compound annual growth rate of 8.2 percent.
  • Van Voorden Completes Big Stainless Steel Propeller Order - more
  • Squeezing Nickel Till It Screams - more

    Chinese firms speed up plans for Indonesian nickel refineries - Chinese firms are speeding up plans to build refineries in Indonesia to produce nickel pig iron, a substitute for higher grade refined nickel in stainless steel, after Jakarta banned exports of unprocessed ore. - more

    First Nickel Hits Targeted 2013 Nickel and Copper Production; Increased Nickel Production Forecast for 2014 - First Nickel Inc. today provides its 2013 preliminary production results and outlook with respect to 2014 production and costs. - more

    Hundreds expected at today’s PolyMet hearing in Duluth - There usually are several police officers on hand and an ambulance parked outside whenever there’s a major hockey game at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center. - more

  • First PolyMet hearing tonight in Duluth, but do comments matter? - more
  • 8th District GOP blasts DFL unit on opposition to copper/nickel mining - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Wednesday, January 15

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Tuesday's trading session at $6.51/lb . Indicators at 6:50 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.01/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading mostly lower as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME licensed warehouses rose on Tuesday, but came in six tonnes short of the all time record high set last Friday. Nickel opened much lower this morning, and after spending most of the session in recovery mood, in the last hour has hesitated and slumped again. Nickel has closed above our line of resistance of $6.50/lb once, and a second close above today, would signal more growth is likely. A close below $6.50/lb could signal the bull run may be looking to take a break. They are strictly technical signals, but with computers running much of the daily trades, technical signals are worth watching. Besides, fundamentals mean far less than they used too. Overnight, Asian markets followed yesterday's Dow recovery and ended higher, with European markets also trading higher today. US futures point higher as well after the World Bank upgraded its global growth forecast this year to 3.2% thanks to strong recoveries in the U.S. and the euro zone. It also warned that developing markets remain vulnerable to market volatility from rising interest rates.  
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.23/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Copper Falls as Chinese Credit Slump Fuels Demand Concern - more
  • Reuters metals morning - Nickel dips as market rethinks impact of Indonesia ban - more


  • US Imports of Stainless Steel Mill Products - more
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.83
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (ET) The Economic Times reported that Deutsche Bank AG has reduced its 2014 nickel forecast to $15,000 per tonne, an 11-percent decrease from its previous estimate. The firm also lowered its 2015 forecast by 3.5 percent, to $15,250.
  • (NFIB) - NFIB Small Business Economic Trends, January 2014 - Owner sentiment increased by 1.4 points to 93.9 in December. Adding November’s gain, the Index has improved 2.3 points to end the year well above the January reading of 88.9 – but lower than three other readings over 94 during the year. It’s hard to make that case that the small business sector has made significant progress. The highest reading in this recovery is 95.4, so December is still short. And that reading is 5 points below the pre-recession average of 100 and nowhere close to the readings over 100 that typify recovery periods. On the plus side, half of the 10 Index components posted a gain, and two were unchanged.
  • (CEN) China's electricity consumption, a key indicator of economic activity, rose 7.5 percent year on year in 2013, the National Energy Administration said on Tuesday.

    China's nickel ore prices may rise more than 50% on Indonesian export ban: Macquarie - The price of imported nickel ore in China could jump more than 50%, following Indonesia's export ban on the product which took effect January 12, Macquarie Commodities Research said in a report Tuesday. - more

    China's Import & Export Results of Nickel in November 2013 - The customs statistics of China shows the import & export results of nickel-containing products in November 2013 in the table below. - more

    Commodity managers see demand growth ending pain after tough 2013 - Commodity fund managers are betting a pick-up in economic growth will lead to improved price performance in 2014 after a terrible year in which just two actively managed funds in the Lipper Global Commodity sector made money. - more

    China ferrochrome output to surge above 4 million mt this year: Antaike - China's high carbon ferrochrome production is expected to surge to around 4.6 million metric tons in 2014, according to Chinese state-owned metals research company Beijing Antaike Information Development Co. - more

    Fed Weighs Further Restrictions on Banks’ Commodities Units - The Federal Reserve is weighing further restrictions on banks’ trading and warehousing of physical commodities as Congress scrutinizes potential conflicts of interest and manipulation in those markets. - more

    Workers redeployed after nickel mine closure - BHP Billiton Nickel West has confirmed that, after the closure of its Perseverance mine in Western Australia's northern Goldfields, it has redeployed 30 workers. - more

    Indonesia's Antam targets gold sales jump after nickel ore export ban - Indonesian state-owned miner PT Aneka Tambang (Antam) is targeting a 30 percent rise in gold sales this year which it hopes will ease the impact of a new nickel ore export ban, its finance director told Reuters on Wednesday. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Tuesday, January 14

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Monday's trading session at $6.45/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.07/lb higher, with other London traded base metals trading mostly higher, but much quieter than nickel. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses fell on Monday and now total just over 261,350 tonnes. So far, 2014 has only seen three days of inventory gains, and only one new all time record high. Considering this was a near daily event in 2013, it will be interesting to see if this is just a holiday dent, or with the Indonesia ban now in force, the beginning of the end of record highs. The market looks to possibly close above the $6.50/lb resistance line today and two closes above this level, could signal more growth, where $6.70/lb would be the next resistance line. The $6.50/lb line is where nickel peaked last month on the first Indonesia ban run, while $6.70/lb is where markets peaked in an August 2013 on a dead cat bounce. Asian markets followed yesterday's US markets lower overnight, and until recently, European markets looked to follow suit. Having spent 2013 as the ugly step sister, nickel is getting all the media's attention now, with the Indonesia ore ban bringing out the speculators and pontificators. At the moment, with nickel trading above its 20, 50 and 100 day average price, the short term trend is bullish and based on the last few days trends, traders appear to be falling over each other jumping on board.. How long the markets remains euphoric, or even positive, remains to be seen.  
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.20/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Nickel Climbs to Three-Week High on Indonesia’s Ore Ban - more
  • Reuters metals morning -


  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.76
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • Finnish steel major Outokumpu bags 700 tonne steel order in India - more
  • Indonesian ban improves BHP Billiton Limited’s prospects of selling nickel assets - more
  • Tropical Pacific remains ENSO-neutral - more

    Nickel Seen by Macquarie Swinging to Deficit in 2015 on Ore Ban - The global nickel market may swing into a deficit next year as Indonesia’s ore export ban will constrain production of nickel pig iron, a lower-grade alternative to refined metal, said Macquarie Group Ltd. - more

  • Deutsche Bank cuts oil, gold, nickel price forecasts for 2014, 2015 - Deutsche Bank slashed its 2014 and 2015 price forecasts for crude oil, saying it is now the most richly priced commodity in the world with several downside risks including an increase in non-OPEC capacity and higher OPEC spare capacity. - more

    China crude steel output growth to slow to 3.1 pct in 2014 -CISA - China's annual steel output growth is expected to slow in 2014 to around 3 percent and reach 810 million tonnes as a result of changes in its economic strategy, the head of the country's steel association said in comments published late on Monday. - more

    ThyssenKrupp Chief Feeling Pressure; Primary Indian Nickel Falls - One can only assume that Heinrich Hiesinger of Thyssenkrupp AG O.N., is feeling the pressure. - more

    Mirabela’s board walks - Mirabela Nickel’s chairman Geoff Handley and fellow board members Colin Steyn and Peter Nicholson have handed in their resignations over the weekend. - more

    Courtesy AISI - In the week ending January 11, 2014, domestic raw steel production was 1,830,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 76.4 percent. Production was 1,832,000 net tons in the week ending January 11, 2013, while the capability utilization then was 76.5 percent. The current week production represents a 0.1 percent decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending January 11, 2014 is up 0.4 percent from the previous week ending January 4, 2014 when production was 1,822,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 76.1percent.

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Monday, January 13

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Friday's trading session at $6.27/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.10/lb higher, with other London traded base metals trading mixed and mostly lower. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME licensed warehouses fell on Friday and ended the week totalling just shy of the 261,650 tonne level. Nickel is off session highs but showing staying power. Traders are once again reacting to the Indonesia ban, which has actually taken place this time, in the hopes the price of nickel will show show some staying power this time. Nickel is the bright spot for LME trading today, with the rest of the metals having a ho-hum day. We show minor resistance at $6.31/lb, but doubt that holds. Major resistance should be around $6.50/lb. Your story this week may be the nearly 20 Chinese cargo ships that are being held by officials in Indonesia ports. All tried to beat the ban and are loaded with the now-banned ore. Four have been released but nearly twenty are still being held.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.18/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Nickel Touches a Two-Week High as Indonesia Bars Ore Exports - more
  • Reuters metals morning - LME nickel jumps on Indonesian ore export ban - more


  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.69
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • China's Baosteel raises Feb prices, the 2nd increase this year - more

    Indonesia Bans Ore Exports in Push for Metal Smelting - Indonesia’s ban on mineral ore exports will cut nickel supplies while allowing Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. to keep exporting copper concentrates. - more

  • Indonesia export ban leaves mining in turmoil, nickel prices rally - more
  • Indonesia to ban all mineral concentrate exports from 2017 - Indonesia will ban all exports of mineral concentrate from 2017, providing a few years for mining firms to build sufficient domestic smelting and refining capacity to continue operating in the Southeast Asian nation, a mining official said on Monday. - more
  • Indonesia's Antam sees plunge in nickel ore output due to ban - more
  • Indonesia's hotly-contested mineral ban takes effect - more
  • LME Nickel Gains from Indonesian Export Ban - more
  • Will Indonesia's minerals ban hurt its current account? - more

    Philippines Sees Nickel Boon on Indonesia’s Ban: Southeast Asia - The ban on mineral-ore exports from Indonesia, the world’s biggest nickel producer, is poised to benefit neighboring miners in the Philippines, who are predicting an increase in sales. - more

    Western Areas Sees Indonesia Ore Export Ban Lifting Nickel Price - Indonesia’s ban on the export of raw ores will cause nickel prices to rise this year as regulation limits increases in production of lower-grade nickel pig iron, Western Areas Ltd. (WSA)’s Managing Director Dan Lougher said. - more

    Japan nickel users face higher costs, supply hunt after Indonesia ban - Japan, home to some of the world's biggest stainless steel producers, will face higher costs and a scramble to find new nickel supply after Indonesia enforced an export ban on the raw material. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Friday, January 10

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Thursday's trading session at $6.13/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.16/lb higher, with all London traded base metals trading higher as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME licensed warehouses rose to its first all time record high of 2014 and ended the day at 261,906 tonnes. Your author is in his third day of either a serious head cold, or caught the flu going around, and so, focusing is a problem this morning. Have a safe and relaxing weekend.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.17/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Copper Rebounds as Chinese Imports Rise, Nickel Climbs - more


  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.67
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (SSY) According to data from the China Iron and Steel Association, Chinese daily crude steel output for 21-31 December 2013 was 1.961 Mt, down from 2.014 in the period 11-20 December. This is the lowest daily output recorded by CISA since late January 2013.
  • U.S. Fastener Imports & Exports Both Fall in November - more

    Indonesia Reported to Detain Chinese Ships as Mineral Ban Looms - Indonesia, the world’s largest mined-nickel producer, prevented at least 10 Chinese freighters leaving port as a ban on the export of unprocessed ores approaches, the 21st Century Business Herald reported. - more

  • Indonesia braces for impact of mineral export ban - Indonesia's government was scrambling to pass last-minute regulations to limit the impact of a controversial ban that could halt billions of dollars worth of unprocessed mineral ore exports from Sunday. - more
  • Indonesia's ban on raw minerals exports threatens nickel shake-up - An Indonesian ban on raw minerals exports is set to hurt Chinese factories making stainless steel - used in everything from kitchenware to cars and buildings - in the biggest potential industry shake-up in more than five years. - more
  • Indonesia's export ban bullet to miss foreign miners as local players hit - Indonesia's mineral ore export ban, an ambitious policy aimed at getting more money for its resources, will hit domestic miners who have already begun shedding jobs and leave foreign firms unscathed. - more
  • Over 20 Chinese Bulkers Detained at Indonesian Ports - Over 20 Chinese bulk carriers have been detained at a number of Indonesian ports, but authorities have yet to give an explanation of exactly why, Sinoship News reports. - more

    January Price of Ni SUS Scrap Expected to Increase =Mills' buying motivation gets enhanced due to recovery in production of stainless steel= The price of nickel-containing stainless steel scrap (SABOT) to be purchased by Japanese stainless steel mills in January 2014 is expected to increase by JPY5,000 - JPY7,000 per ton. - more

    Dominican Republic groups would ‘radicalize’ fight against Xstrata Nickel mine - The organizations that demand the protection of Loma Miranda on Thursday warned they’d radicalize their fight if Government officials and senators continue to halt legislation declaring it a national park. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Thursday, January 9

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Wednesday's trading session at $6.13/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.05/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading lower as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses rose on Wednesday, and now total just over the 261,250 tonne level. European equity markets are trading higher this morning, but nickel fell early and has done little since. US Fed tapering talks are back in the headlines. The Indonesia ban is back on - according to Platts. The ban is supposed to take place beginning Sunday so by next week, we might have a better idea of whether there will be a ban or not.  
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.19/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Copper Touches Two-Week Low on Speculation Fed to Cut Stimulus - more
  • Reuters metals morning - Copper drops to two-week lows on Fed tapering caution - more


  • U.S. Exports of Stainless Steel Mill Products - more
  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.67
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (MP) China refined nickel imports down 26.63% in November 2013
  • What types of stainless are safe with food? - more

    LME Trading Jumped to Record for 2013 Led by 23% Surge in Nickel - The London Metal Exchange, the biggest metals bourse, had record trading last year, led by a 23 percent jump in nickel. - more

    Uncertainty the only certainty with Indonesia mineral export ban: Clyde Russell - The key point with any laws or regulations is not that they are on the statute book, it's whether they are applied and enforced, and this will be the case with Indonesia's ban on metal ore exports. - more

  • Indonesia to go ahead with Jan 12 mineral ore export ban: ministry official - Indonesia's plan to ban the export of mineral ore will continue as proposed on January 12, 2014, a senior government official said Thursday. - more

    Chinese bulkers detained at Indonesian ports - More than 20 Chinese bulk carriers are currently being detained at Indonesian ports as the shipping companies couldn’t get approval for departure having loaded, and Indonesian authorities haven’t been able to provide any reasons yet for the delays. - more

    Vale uncertainty set to end in 2014 - More than three years of uncertainty about the near-term future of Vale’s Manitoba Operations are about to end and that in and of itself is very good news for Thompson residents. - more

    Talvivaara Press Release - Talvivaara Mining Company Plc has concluded its co-operation consultations. All personnel groups in Talvivaara and its subsidiaries Talvivaara Sotkamo Ltd and Talvivaara Exploration Ltd were within the scope of consultations. Following the consultation process, Talvivaara will gradually lay off 246 employees for an indefinite period. In the beginning of the consultations the Company estimated the possible employee impact to be terminations of employment, lay-offs and/or changes to part-time contracts. Talvivaara currently has approximately 530 employees. Lay-offs will support the Company and Talvivaara Sotkamo Ltd’s corporate reorganization and adjust the number of personnel to the current operating scheme under which ore production is temporarily discontinued. Bioheap leaching and metals recovery activities continue in a normal fashion. - source

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Wednesday, January 8

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Tuesday's trading session at $6.15/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.01/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading mostly higher. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME licensed warehouses fell again on Tuesday and now total just over the 260,600 tonne level. Media is reporting Indonesia will delay the complete ban on nickel ore exports for another 3 years. This is China's primary source of the ore used in the production of the so called pig nickel. While stockpiles of nickel have fallen the last week, they rose to all time record highs for much of the latter half of 2013, and this extension will do nothing to curb these record levels. The technical supprt at $6.21/lb has apparently collapsed and nickel's next support level shows at $5.97/lb.    
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.22/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Copper Fluctuates Before Release of Fed Policy-Meeting Minutes - more
  • Reuters metals morning - Copper steady, China worries offset U.S. growth hopes - more


  • US Imports of Stainless Steel Mill Products - more
  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.70
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more

    Indonesia Proposes Allowing Concentrate Exports as Ban Looms - Indonesia’s Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry is proposing that mining companies be allowed to continue shipping mineral concentrates for three years, easing concern that copper exports may be disrupted days before a ban on raw ores take effect. - more

  • Indonesia's mining ministry looks to ease mineral export ban - more

    Merger wouldn't result in plant closures, mine analysts say - If ongoing Vale and Glencore Xstrata discussions produce an agreement in 2014 on how to mine nickel and copper in the Greater Sudbury area more cost-effectively, there might be some short-term job cuts, but no big plant closures, says a man who runs a website devoted to mining. - more

    Study for Proposed Twin Metals Mine Due Mid-2014 - The parent company for the proposed Twin Metals copper-nickel mine near Ely expects to reach a key milestone in the coming months. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Tuesday, January 7

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Monday's trading session at $6.18/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.02/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading mostly lower and mostly quietly. Stockpiles if nickel stored in LME licensed warehouses fell on Monday and now total just over the 260,700 tonne level. European stocks are trading higher this morning, with US futures pointing higher as well. The Euro is trading higher for a second day, which is adding some positive momentum to metals trading. The Indonesia ore export ban begins Sunday but after an initial knee jerk reaction by traders, the enthusiasm has receded and the price if nickel is trading at one month lows. Not hearing much about the annual re-weighting of the Dow Jones AIG Commodity Index, which takes place sometime in the next few weeks. Per Business Line, rebalancing and re-weighting generally means an index may reallocate out of commodities that have appreciated in value and into commodities that have underperformed.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.25/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)


  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 79.81
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (MP) Indonesia expects fivefold drop in nickel ore output this year
  • USS-Posco to lay off 690 employees in California - more
  • Allied Alloys of Houston acquires California recycler - more
  • Coldest Day in 20 Years Threatens U.S. as Transport Hit - more
  • China’s Three Challenges in 2014 - more

    MEPS Predicts A Better Year For Stainless Steel in 2014 - The prevailing sentiment throughout the stainless steel supply chain is one of “cautious optimism” that 2014 will be a little better than 2013, in terms of both business volumes and profitability. - more

    Indonesia mineral export ban uncertainty starts to bite - Indonesia's planned mineral export ban - a policy designed to force miners to process their ores domestically - is sending shudders through the economy, with a Singapore-owned nickel miner suspending operations ahead of the Jan. 12 ban. - more

  • Singapore's Ibris Nickel stops Indonesia ore mining ahead of export ban - Singapore's Ibris Nickel said on Tuesday it had temporarily stopped operations at its 2-million-tonne-per-year nickel mine in Indonesia, amid uncertainty surrounding a planned ban on unprocessed metal ore exports. - more

    Price of South African Charge Cr for Japan Settled at Cents 126 =Up by Cents 5.5 from October - December quarter= The negotiation on the benchmark price of South African charge chrome meant for Japan for shipments from January to March in 2014 has been settled at US Cents 126 per lb. - more

    Iron Ore Exports to China From Port Hedland Increase in December - Iron ore sales to China from Australia’s Port Hedland climbed in December as the world’s biggest buyer boosted inventories, undeterred by a temporary halt in shipments because of a tropical cyclone. - more

    Courtesy AISI - In the week ending January 4, 2014, domestic raw steel production was 1,822,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 76.1 percent. Production was 1,812,000 net tons in the week ending January 4, 2013, while the capability utilization then was 74.4 percent. The current week production represents a 0.6 percent increase from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending January 4, 2014 is up 2.8 percent from the previous week ending December 28, 2013 when production was 1,733,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 74.0 percent.

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Monday, January 6

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Friday's trading session at $6.31/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.10/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading mostly lower as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME licensed warehouses rose on Friday and now total just over 260,850 tonnes. Nickel has now fallen below its 50 and 100 day moving average, and has turned bearish. The Dollar closed last week trading at a four week high against the Euro, which fed the bearish tone. The Euro is trading slightly higher this morning, but nickel, as all metals except tin, appear to be shrugging it off. An online survey of China metals experts are forecast the price of nickel will increase this week, by a margin of 2 to 1. We tend to think they are being overly optimistic.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.30/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb / avg 2009 - $6.64/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Copper Declines Amid Concern Demand Is Poised to Slow in China - more
  • Reuters metals morning - Copper near two-week lows as China worries drag - more


  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 80.13
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • US sheet steel market quiet; Dofasco increases prices - more
  • The Strange Case of American Inequality - more

    Price of S. African Charge Cr Settled for Europe in Jan-Mar, Up by Cents 5.5 - On December 23, Merafe Resources Limited, South Africa, a joint venture partner for Xstrata Merafe announced on its home page that the benchmark price of South African charge chrome meant for Europe to be shipped in January - March in 2014 has been settled at US Cents 118.0 per lb. This price represents an increase of US Cents 5.5 versus the prior quarter. - more

    3rd worker goes to prison for steel thefts - A Ruffsdale man who helped three coworkers steal $600,000 worth of new stainless steel from their former employer to sell for scrap will spend up to two years in state prison. - more

    Readers weigh in on copper-nickel mining - We all use the metals PolyMet would produce As someone who has worked in the mining industry for 52 years and who recognizes the value of all mining to our lifestyles in the 20th and 21st centuries, and having read the summary of the PolyMet Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement, I would be hypocritical if I did not strongly support the approval and development of the PolyMet project. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Friday, January 3

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Thursday's trading session at $6.43/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.07/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading lower as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME licensed warehouses slipped for a second day, and closed just over the 260,700 tonne level. Nickel was trading higher yesterday until US equity markets opened lower. Nickel's bull run appears to be in trouble, with support at $6.21/lb again coming into play. While stockpiles are off all time record levels for the past few days, Vale announced its New Caledonia mega mine has reopened after a six week shutdown due to a broken effluent pipe. Stockpiles rose by over 9,500 tonnes in December alone.  
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.31/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb / avg 2009 - $6.64/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Copper Falls Most in Two Weeks as China Services Measure Slumps - more


  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index - 80.23
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • Madagascar Ex-Finance Minister Declared Presidential Vote Winner - more
  • (China) Vice-minister calls for new economic growth model - more

    (North American Stainless PR) For the month of January 2014, North American Stainless will maintain the fuel surcharge at 33% for stainless flat and long products. The surcharge rate is considered a maximum level for January and will be reviewed monthly. (source)

    New Caledonia's Vale reopens nickel plant - The Vale nickel company in New Caledonia says it has restarted its plant after last November's effluent pipe breakage. - more

    BHP Billiton Down to Sell - Analyst Blog - On Jan 1, Zacks Investment Research downgraded BHP Billiton Limited ( BHP ) to a Zacks Rank #4 (Sell) from a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). The downgrade was largely due to the loss of operations at the Nickel West Leinster Perseverance Underground mine. - more

    Novel Method to Chemically Exfoliate Molybdenum Disulfide Crystals for Printable Photonics and Electronics - A team of scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has successfully developed a method to chemically exfoliate molybdenum disulfide crystals, a class of chalcogenide compounds, into high quality monolayer flakes, with higher yield and larger flake size than current methods. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

Thursday, January 2

    Will be traveling the next two days on business so there may not be an update on Friday. We apologize for any inconvenience.

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)

  • Dow Jones reports three month nickel closed Tuesday's trading session at $6.34/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.05/lb higher, with other London traded base metals trading higher as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses slipped on Tuesday and start 2014 with just under 261,500 tonnes recorded. While equity markets appear to be starting 2014 trading on the slide, metals trading is on the upswing. It is possible that nickel is playing follow the leader with copper today, which is trading at 7 month highs on lower inventories. That is not a fundamental problem that nickel is seeing, with the market seeing LME licensed warehouses setting all time record highs on 15 of 19 trading days.   
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - n/a
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2012 - $7.95/lb / avg 2011 - $10.36/lb / avg 2010 - $9.89/lb / avg 2009 - $6.64/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Copper Touches Six-Month High as Inventories Continue to Shrink - more
  • Reuters metals morning - Copper at 7-month high on New Year optimism, China disappoints - more


  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commodities Daily - here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • Oakvale Daily Market Report - more
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • Weekly Market Report - pdf here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Alpari Global Markets Daily - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China E-Stainless Daily Price Index -
  • 2013 Reuters Nickel Price Forecasts - more (World Bank forecast 2013 - $8.16/lb)
  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Stainless Steel Daily Scrap Prices - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • China steel futures rise, but gains capped on economy slowdown - more
  • (China) PMI hits lowest level since August - more
  • (Fasteners) North American Distributors Find Growth 'Sluggish' - more
  • ENSO-neutral state persists - more

    LME to implement warehouse reforms, shed owners restrain rent hikes - The London Metal Exchange will push ahead with proposed reforms to its warehousing policy, it said on Monday, and warehouses announced lower average rent increases than last year in response to the LME's calls for restraint. - more

    Mining Russia - thousands join the protests - Protests at the proposed mining of nickel and copper in the heart of Russia's Black Earth belt have been escalating - as has the smear campaign against the protesters. - more

   So when engineers were tasked to build a clock that would run for 10,000 years, what material did they turn too? The answer from the project website "Most of the clock will be made in a marine grade 316 stainless steel." (source)

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply reports and information free of charge. Contact us

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