This page is archived news covering the period of March 2015
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Tuesday, March 31

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Monday's trading session at $5.84/lb . Indicators at 6:45 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.10/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading lower as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses fell from record highs on Monday and now total just over the 433,800 tonne level. Nickel continues to dive and analysts are once again, scratching their heads and wondering where all the nickel is coming from. The sky is not falling - yet.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.26/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - Nickel near 6-year low on doubts supply will tighten - more


  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (Edward Meir 3/30)  Nickel fared particularly badly, sinking to $13,260 at one point, the lowest level since November of 2013 and is under pressure again today, off by some $200/ton and getting to a low of $13,060 at one point. We suspect that the unresolved LME tax situation with the Malaysian government -- despite assurances to the contrary -- is likely what is weighing on the complex, as the concern is that 210,000 tons of metal stored in Johor will now be sold onto the open market.
  • Edward Meir of INTL FC Stone puts major technical support for nickel at $5.44/lb
  • (Twitter) Deutsche Bank cuts 2015 nickel price forecast to $16,575/t ($7.52/lb)
  • (SSY) Daily crude steel output at China Iron and Steel Association member mills fell further to 1.65 Mt in the period 11-20 March, according to data from the industry body reported by SteelFirst.
  • Japan Fastener Imports and Exports Hit Record High - more
  • Recent warming of Pacific Ocean could be early indication of El Niño - more

    LME drops proposal to stop issuing Malaysia warrants  - The London Metal Exchange said on Monday it has withdrawn its proposal to stop issuing warrants for metal in Malaysia from July after the government resolved issues over its new tax reforms. - more

    Higher returns for stainless steel scrap - Global: As a result of an improvement in demand from the mills, stainless steel scrap values mounted a recovery during March. Prices for the 304 grade climbed from US$ 1275-1325 per tonne in late February to US$ 1340-1390 a month later while the range for 316 material advanced from US$ 1760-1810 to US$ 1800-1850 over the same period. - more

    China's moly producers to face another challenging year in 2015 - Chinese producers of molybdenum concentrate and ferromolybdenum will face yet another challenging year in 2015 characterized by relatively low prices and steady demand, market sources said at a molybdenum event in Xiamen at southern China's Fujian province over the weekend. - more

    Layoffs at Special Metals affect about 70 - Layoffs believed to affect 70 or more jobs were announced at the Special Metals plant in Huntington on Monday, and company officials declined to say whether the reductions were permanent or temporary. - more

    Chinese-backed smelter plan causes concern among Sulawesi fishermen - As a pair of Chinese-controlled mining companies proceed with plans to construct nickel smelters in Indonesia's Central Sulawesi province, in line with a national edict to increase in-country mineral processing capacity, locals fear the factories will only intensify environmental degradation from the same firms' mining operations. - more

  • From infrastructure to smelters, C. Sulawesi eyes Rp 20t projects - The Central Sulawesi regional government aims to realize direct investments totaling Rp 20 trillion (US$1.53 billion) this year, driven by a number of projects ranging from infrastructure to smelters. - more

    Courtesy AISI - In the week ending March 28, 2015, domestic raw steel production was 1,628,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 68.9 percent. Production was 1,868,000 net tons in the week ending March 28, 2014 while the capability utilization then was 77.7 percent. The current week production represents a 12.8 percent decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending March 28, 2015 is down 0.7 percent from the previous week ending March 21, 2015 when production was 1,639,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 69.3 percent.

    Ramu mine suffers as Mother Nature bites back - Dumping millions of tonnes of toxic waste into a pristine marine environment was bound to have consequences. Maybe severe rains and flooding was not what was expected – but Mother Nature moves in mysterious way. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Monday, March 30

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Friday's trading session at $6.03/lb . Indicators at 6:45 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.09/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading mixed and mostly higher. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses rose to a new all time record high on Friday, and now totals 435,048 tonnes. After setting a new record high on 14 sessions in January, a new record was only set on 3 sessions in February. After Friday's gain, we have seen 7 records set so far in March. Shanghai Metal Markets reports stockpiles of nickel ore fell by 48,000 tonnes last week, and not total 11.15 million tonnes. These stockpiles numbers, while lower, have remained in the 11 million tonne range since the first week of February. We closed once below strong support of $6.15/lb and it appears, we will see second close below this level again today. This typically sends a bearish signal to the market, but we are not really sure how much lower traders will let nickel fall. Next technical support level is at $5.94/lb. Traders have one more day to square their books, and we start the second quarter of the year on Wednesday.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.28/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Copper Rebounds From 1-Week Low on Chinese Stimulus Speculation - more
  • Reuters metals morning - Nickel slides to lowest since 2009, ample supply weighs - more


  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • China faces renewal of EU fastener tariffs challenged at WTO - more
  • EU Extends Anti-dumping Measures for Another 5 Years on Iron and Steel Fasteners Originating in China - more

    Bauxite and the limits of resource nationalism: Andy Home - It's been over a year now since Indonesia imposed its ban on the export of unprocessed minerals. - more

    Ambatovy Nickel Project Achieves 90% of Full Production = 6 certificates for completion are achieved and remaining 4 certificates are targeted at being achieved by end Sept. = The production volume of nickel unwrought from Ambatovy Nickel Project in Madagascar driven by Sumitomo Corporation jointly with Sherritt International Corporation, Korea Resources Corporation and SNC Lavalin Inc. achieved an average of 90% of full production for a period of 90 days. Sumitomo announced the above on March 24. - more

    Stainless Steel Fabricators in Perth Provide Guide to How Stainless Steel is Made - For those who have ever wondered how stainless steel is made, a stainless steel manufacturer in WA has produced a very short guide describing the process in simple terms. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Friday, March 27

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Thursday's trading session at $6.18/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.10/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading mostly lower as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses rose on Thursday and now total just under the 433,400 tonne level. Nickel is trading below a technical support level, and two closes below $6.15/lb, could send a technical signal of further price declines. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.29/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - London copper set for 3rd weekly gain as mine supply drops - more


  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (MP) China ferro-nickel imports up 74.04pc in January 2015
  • China's industrial profits down 4.2% for Jan-Feb - more
  • Macquarie Reaffirms Outperform Rating for BHP Billiton plc - more
  • China’s Fastener Imports and Exports for Jan.-Feb. - more

    LME Base Metals Finished Mostly Higher - The London Metal Exchange (LME) has started talking to the main Bullion trading banks about reinstating end-of-day Gold and Silver forward curves, which could be part of a bigger structural change in the precious metals market. - more

    Shanghai Matches London Metals as China Seeks Commodity Sway - The Shanghai Futures Exchange started trading nickel and tin, offering the same main contracts as the world’s biggest metals bourse in London, as China seeks to extend its influence over commodities prices. - more

    EU imposes anti-dumping duties on stainless steel from China and Taiwan - The European Union will impose anti-dumping duties from Thursday on imports of cold-rolled flat stainless steel from China and Taiwan, according to a notice on Wednesday in the EU's Official Journal. - more

    The Rise of Metals Men Spurs Four-Way Race for Russia’s Richest - The rising fortunes of Russian metal investors Vladimir Potanin and Alexey Mordashov have ignited a four-way battle at the top of the country’s wealth ranking for the first time since the Bloomberg Billionaires Index began tracking the world’s biggest fortunes in March 2012. - more

    Lima Mullung & others fetching bones from the dog, MCC - While the Basamuk people are arguing with the Chinese miners at MCC over the ‘tonnes of toxic chemical’ spill at Basamuk Bay in Madang Province, Lima Mullung, the said Basamuk Landowners Association Chairman got on an MCC boat and ran off to town. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Thursday, March 26

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Wednesday's trading session at $6.23/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.01/lb higher, with other London traded base metals trading higher as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses fell on Wednesday and now total just under 432,800 tonnes. Nickel was trading higher earlier this morning, as were all base metals, but has since surrendered nearly all of these gains. Nickel is showing signs it could potentially test $6.15/lb, a strong support level again. To fall below this level, could put nickel trading into unchartered waters. That's not to say that we haven't traded in the $5/lb range before, just not for some years.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.30/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Industrial Metals Climb With Oil as Copper Touches 2-Month High - more
  • Reuters metals morning - London copper hits near 3-month top on weak dollar, Chile mine closures - more


  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (Merafe) Shareholders of the Company are advised that the European benchmark ferrochrome price has been settled at 108USc per pound for the second quarter of 2015, a rollover from the price in the first quarter of 2015.
  • (MF) Baosteel Stainless cuts domestic stainless prices for Apr
  • (SO) Russian exports of stainless steel products in the January-February period of this year decreased by 61.4 percent year on year to 602 mt.
  • (SSY) The US price for hot rolled band (HRB) dropped by $24/t in the last two weeks, sinking to $522/t, according to the latest SteelBenchmarker from World Steel Dynamics. This fall has helped to push the world export price for HRB down to the lowest level since mid-June 2009, at $414/t
  • Red-Hot Nickel Ball v.s. Everything - more

    China; some good news and some not-so-good news for nickel: Andy Home - Nickel was the obvious stand-out in China's February metals trade figures. Against a backdrop of muted import demand from the world's top metals consumer, refined nickel imports hit a seven-month high. - more

    South of Voisey’s Bay - The greatest find of Canada’s first diamond rush failed to locate a single gemstone. Instead Robert Friedland’s Diamond Fields Resources stumbled onto nickel with cobalt and copper—much more prosaic stuff but in such magnificent quantities that, just three years after its 1993 discovery, Voisey’s Bay sold for $4.3 billion. - more

    Ring of Fire still emerging - When the bottom fell out of iron-ore giant Cliffs Natural Resources last year and the company’s big plans for Northern Ontario began to unravel, a competitor remarked that development in the Ring of Fire would still happen one day, “not just on Cliffs’ timetable.” - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Wednesday, March 25

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Tuesday's trading session at $6.33/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.07/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading lower as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses rose to a new all time record high on Tuesday and now total 433,980 tonnes.  
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.31/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - London copper off 2-1/2 mth peak on slightly firmer dollar - more


  • U.S. Imports of Stainless Steel Mill Products - more
  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • Malaysia plans to resolve LME tax issue before April -deputy fin min - more
  • China's imported iron ore prices continue to drop - more
  • Sorry, the Fed won’t hold your hand forever - more
  • Steel Safety Day - more

    EU to impose anti-dumping duties on China, Taiwan stainless steel - The European Union will impose punitive anti-dumping duties from Thursday on imports of stainless steel cold-rolled sheet from China and Taiwan, according to a notice on Wednesday in the EU's Official Journal. - more

    Is nickel finally back on track? - At the outset of 2015, the once-stable base metal segment suddenly became a precarious one, recording a bear market rally that sent an alarming signal to investors.- more

    Strike forces Sherrit to cut production - Canadian miner Sherrit International (TSX: S) has been forced to cut production at its Ambatovy nickel mine in Madagascar due to an ongoing labour strike. - more

    Indonesia Buckles to Bauxite Exports to Support Smelter Construction - Indonesia will allow mining companies to export bauxite to help miners bolster revenue and fund smelter development, an official at the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry said on Monday. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Tuesday, March 24

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Monday's trading session at $6.48/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.08/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading mostly lower as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses rose on Monday and now total just shy of the 431,500 tonne level. Lot of industry news today, although none of it likely to have any major effect on the commodity markets. China reports their imports of nickel continue to shift from raw ore to refined nickel in light of the Indonesia nickel ore ban of January 2014. And speaking of that ban - its back in the news as Indonesia looks at relaxing its export ban on bauxite ore. Morgan Stanley is cutting its 2015 nickel forecast to $6.72/lb. ($14,815/tonne). US stainless steel surcharges for April have been published and are at their lowest since August 2009 (here).
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.30/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - London copper comes off 2-1/2 month high after China flash PMI - more


  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (@CasperBurgering) China nickel ore imports -73% yoy in Feb, exp. volumes from Philippines drops strongly, refined nickel imp. +32% yoy
  • A New Vision for BS Stainless Steel - more
  • China steel firms turn overseas as domestic woes mount - more
  • China March flash HSBC PMI contracts to 11-month low - more
  • China’s Metal Fastener Output Jumps 4.54% - more

    US stainless steel flat-rolled surcharges fall for April - US flat-rolled nickel bearing stainless steel monthly surcharges for April fell to their lowest levels since summer 2009, while ferritic grade type 403 was at its lowest monthly price since early 2010, according to the domestic producers published prices on Monday. - more

    Morgan Stanley cuts commodities prices on China outlook - Morgan Stanley cut its price forecasts for almost all base metals and bulk commodities as China's "dormant" industry fails to bolster demand in the world's biggest consumer of copper and iron ore. - more

    China Nickel Imports and Exports Data February 2015 - The General Administration of China Customs released data of China's February imports and exports of nickel on Mar.23 (Unit: mt) - more

    Indonesia Opens Room for Bauxite Export, Nickel Ore to Follow? - Indonesian miners may be allowed to resume bauxite exports after a government official signalled that the Indonesian government is looking at relaxing its (raw) mineral export ban. - more

    Canada's Sherritt hit by strike at Ambatovy mine in Madagascar - Diversified Canadian miner Sherritt International said on Monday a strike by employees at its Ambatovy nickel mine in Madagascar has forced the company to curtail output from the mine. - more

  • Sherritt Continues to Hit Milestones at Ambatovy - Sherritt International started out 2015 with a bang when it reported record production of finished nickel for the month of January at its Madagascar-based Ambatovy joint venture. - more

    What China’s ‘new normal’ means for commodities - China’s “new normal” economy might suggest merely impressive growth, rather than the magical growth of recent decades. But for natural commodities and large swathes of the world economy, things may never be the same again. - more

    Ring of Fire: Ontario has 'gun to our head' First Nation chief says - The Ontario government has put 'a gun to the head' of First Nations leaders trying to negotiate a fair deal in the Ring of Fire mining area in the James Bay lowlands, Neskantaga Chief Peter Moonias says. - more

    Courtesy AISI - In the week ending March 21, 2015, domestic raw steel production was 1,639,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 69.3 percent. Production was 1,868,000 net tons in the week ending March 21, 2014 while the capability utilization then was 77.7 percent. The current week production represents a 12.3 percent decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending March 21, 2015 is up 1.0 percent from the previous week ending March 14, 2015 when production was 1,623,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 68.7 percent.

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Monday, March 23

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Friday's trading session at $6.41/lb . Indicators at 6:50 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.08/lb higher, with other London traded base metals trading higher as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses fell on Friday and now sit just over the 430,000 tonne level. Shanghai Metal Markets reports nickel ore stockpiles at five major Chinese ports grew last week by 44,000 tonnes and now measures 11.198 million tonnes. While these numbers are 2/3 of where they were last fall, it is highly doubtful SMM's forecast fo last year will prove true. Last October, in a highly publicized and copied article, SMM forecast "China is expected to use up nickel ore inventories by April 2015, Shanghai Metals Market foresees." - more  One of many erroneous metals forecast made over the past few years, by numerous analysts, as the market fails to react like many felt it would. We still see $6.54/lb as resistance, giving nickel more room to run for technical traders. Nickel's 100 day moving average is trading below $7/lb, with 50 day in danger of moving below $6.50/lb.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.29/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - London copper climbs on slower U.S rate hike hopes; chart-based buys - more


  • The Dig – Haywood Mining Team’s week in review - pdf here
  • RJL Mining Weekly: Comps, Commodities, Leaders/Laggards, Research - pdf here
  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (Reuters) Russia's Norilsk Nickel , the world's second largest nickel and largest palladium producer, is considering a buy-back of its shares to support its stock, Interfax news agency quoted Vladimir Potanin, its chief executive, as saying on Thursday. No decision has been taken yet, said Potanin, also Norilsk's co-owner and Russia's richest man.
  • (Twitter) China Feb refined #nickel imports up 33.3% y/y at 10,472 tonnes

    Stainless steel to shine at Chinese green building conference - The sustainable qualities of stainless steel in building construction will be explored during a half day session at an international conference in China next week. - more

    February 2015 crude steel production - World crude steel production for the 65 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 128 million tonnes (Mt) in February 2015, a 0.6% increase compared to February 2014. - more

    China plans to resolve steel overcapacity by 2017 - China will accelerate the overhaul of its overly-invested iron and steel sector to bring it back to a "basically balanced level" by 2017, the industry ministry said. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Friday, March 20

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Thursday's trading session at $6.23/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.11/lb higher, with other London traded base metals trading higher as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses fell on Thursday and now total just under the 430,500 tonne level. Nickel jumped to the $14,000/tonne level early on today and has been trading at that level ever since. We show resistance at $6.54/lb, but nickel has plenty of room to roam before that becomes an issue. Support is at $6.15/lb. Base metals are benefiting from a stronger Euro this morning. Unless we see much larger gains this afternoon, nickel will close lower for the week, month and year. Have a safe and relaxing weekend!
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.29/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - Copper prices slip, but Indonesia mine blockade supports - more


  • Oryx Stainless - Finally taking a deep breath - pdf here
  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (SSY) After reaching 1.771 Mt/day in the last eight days of February, daily crude steel output at China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) member mills fell to 1.682 Mt in the first ten days of March, according to data from the industry association reported by SteelFirst. However, this is still above the year-ago level, of 1.660 Mt/day.
  • (SSY) Japanese crude steel output fell to a two-year low of 8.4 Mt in February, down 0.2% year-on-year, according to data from the Japan Iron and Steel Federation.
  • 'China likely to end up as former would-be superpower', says man who foresaw Japan's demise - more
  • China’s Fastener Production Increased 5.88% in 2014 - more

    Japan ferrochrome: Steady demand lifts prices to 85.50-86.50 cents/lb - Platts assessed the spot price of high-carbon ferrochrome imported into Japan at 85.50-86.50/lb CIF Japan Friday, March 20, up from 85-86 cents/lb a week earlier, as a steady flow of inquiries encouraged producers to raise prices. - more

    What Does South32 Mean for the Nickel and Manganese Markets? - In August 2014, BHP Billiton (BHPB) announced that it intended to demerge its aluminium, coal, manganese, nickel and silver assets into a new, independent global mining and metals company. - more

    Internet platforms to ease woes of steel sector - Internet platforms can help resolve the overcapacity problems of the nation's steel industry, which is burdened by losses as it copes with a slowing economy, according to senior officials. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Thursday, March 19

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Wednesday's trading session at $6.20/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.04/lb higher, with other London traded base metals trading mostly higher as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses total just over the 431,800 tonne level. After three straight day of loses and nickel trading at levels not seen since January of last year, nickel is up slightly this morning, but trading has been volatile so far today. LME nickel stockpile totals are currently higher than they started the month, but not by very much. The gains each month have been slowly receding, and until this week, it appeared February might see the first drop in surplus numbers. It is still possible, but for now, the growth in stockpile numbers continues. Are we finally seeing evidence that the Indonesia nickel ore ban of January 2014 is having an impact on the market surplus? We will have to wait and see if the trend continues, but it is starting to look that way.   
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.30/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - Copper bounces from 1-month low on Fed, mine blockade - more


  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (SMM) The global nickel surplus narrowed to 5,200 tonnes in January from 7,400 tonnes a year ago, the International Nickel Study Group said on Thursday.
  • Russia's Norilsk Nickel CEO says mulls share buy-back - Interfax - more
  • U.S. Fastener Imports and Exports Both Jump in January - more
  • Tropical cyclone activity may lead to further ocean warming - more

    What Impact on Nickel Prices from Upcoming Trading on Shanghai Futures Exchange, SMM Interviews - Mock trading was launched for nickel and tin futures contracts on Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) yesterday. - more

    Factbox - BHP spin-off South32 by the numbers - BHP Billiton plans to spin off its aluminium, manganese, nickel, silver and some coal assets into a company called South32 in May. On Tuesday, it gave investors their first detailed look at the new company. - more

    Why Goldman Sachs Is Wrong About Commodity Prices: Philip Richards - Goldman Sachs delivered a dire commodities outlook earlier this year, but RAB Capital Founder Philip Richards still sees compelling buying opportunities. In this interview with The Mining Report, Richards discusses his outlook for oil, gold and zinc, and profiles companies with projects that will see the light of day even in harsh price environments. - more

    Metal markets mull Malaysian delivery puzzle - The London Metal Exchange (LME) dropped something of a bombshell on its users last Monday when it warned it may have to suspend warranting activity at its Malaysian warehouses. - more

    Aluminum Up, Steel Still Down in February - U.S. shipments of aluminum products increased in February and although steel shipments continued to decline, it was at a lower rate than last month. Canadian results were similar. - more

    Courtesy AISI - In the week ending March 14, 2015, domestic raw steel production was 1,623,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 68.7 percent. Production was 1,868,000 net tons in the week ending March 14, 2014 while the capability utilization then was 77.7 percent. The current week production represents a 13.1 percent decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending March 14, 2015 is down 1.3 percent from the previous week ending March 7, 2015 when production was 1,645,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 69.6 percent.

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Monday, March 16

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Friday's trading session at $6.42/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.02/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading mostly quietly lower. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses continue to fall, and now total just over the 428,900 tonne level. All eyes will be on the US Fed meeting this week, looking for clues on when the Fed might raise US interest rates. In China, Chinese premier Li Keqiang said at a press conference in Beijing that the government will step up efforts to bolster economic growth.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.33/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - London copper near two-week high as dollar takes breather - more


  • The Dig – Haywood Mining Team’s week in review - pdf here
  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more

    ARM to curtail some operations as interim profits dip - African Rainbow Minerals (ARM), a diversified mining company, reported on Monday a sharp drop in interim profit, prompting it to consider curtailing or exiting operations that are not profitable. - more

    Big mining companies to take lead on Canadian prospecting - After three years of falling commodity prices, big mining companies are taking the lead on exploration in Canada as cash-strapped junior miners struggle to stay afloat. - more

    Mistaking Peak Prices for "Peak Everything" - Plunging oil prices have been big news over the past year. Since mid-summer 2014, the price for benchmark West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude has fallen from $105 to $48 per barrel. - more

    High court: 3 mining firms broke ownership law The Supreme Court has affirmed with finality its April 2014 decision prohibiting three mining firms from operating in the country for violating the constitutional provision that limits foreign ownership in mining companies to 40 percent. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Friday, March 13

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Thursday's trading session at $6.35/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.03/lb lower, but the bulls and bears are playing a rough game of tug of war today, with the market moving back and forth. Other metals are also trading lower at the moment. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses fell for a third consecutive day on Thursday and opened today just under the 430,150 tonne level. While nickel saw a bullish run earlier this month, it appears it peaked out on Monday of this week, and nickel is now trading about where it was at the beginning of the month. The Euro is adding negative pressure on the base metals market again today. So far for 2015, nickel is going no where fast. Have a safe and relaxing weekend!
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.35/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - Copper hits 10-day high, set for weekly gains on China demand prospects - more


  • U.S. Exports of Stainless Steel Mill Products  - more
  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (AAS) The spokesperson of China Securities Regulatory Commission Zhang Xiaojun said on the press conference that CSRC has approved Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) to launch the futures tradings of nickel and tin.

    Could 2015 finally be nickel’s chance to shine? - Nickel was something of a disappointment in 2014 with prices spiking in the first half of the year, only to fall back in the second half, failing to meet many analysts’ expectations. - more

    All is not well on the metals commodities front - In US dollar terms, metals commodities have seen drastic falls over the past 4-5 years which will just perpetuate the mining boom-bust cycle. - more

    No Inquiries of Austenitic Stainless Sheets to Japan Even Entering March - Negotiations on cold-rolled (CR) austenitic stainless steel sheets in the Asian region seem to have been made for April shipments but even entering the 2nd week of March, inquiries appear not to have sent to the Japanese mills. - more

    Russian stainless steel imports in 2014 - According to experts of SpetsStal Association, in 2014, Russian imports of major stainless steel products increased by 0.7% to 253,389 tons compared to 2013. - more

    S.Korea seeks 200 T of nickel for July - South Korea is seeking 200 tonnes of nickel for July shipment via a tender, the state-run Public Procurement Service said on its website. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Thursday, March 12

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Wednesday's trading session at $6.26/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.12/lb higher, with other London traded base metals trading higher as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses fell sharply on Wednesday, and after setting five new record high totals this month, stockpile numbers are now below where they were no the first trading day of the month. Stockpiles today total just over the 430,850 tonne level. Base metals are trading higher this morning on a recovering Euro, and news out of China that borrowing is rising.  Resistance remains at $6.53/lb and we will have to see if today's turnaround is another bullish run, or will turn out to be mostly short covering their bets.  
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.35/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Bloomberg metals morning - Copper Rises Most in Two Weeks as Chinese Credit Beats Estimates - more
  • Reuters metals morning - London copper jumps after Chinese loan data sparks short-covering - more


  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • As China Sneezes, is Asia Catching a Cold? - more

    Production of Stainless Steel Products in December 2014 Is 225,138 Tons = Up by 3% from prior month, and production of nickel-type products makes recovery = The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announced the production volume of stainless steel products (hot-rolled products) in December 2014 was 225,138 tons, up by 2.5% from the prior month but down by 11.0% from the year-earlier month. - more

    Audley Capital to buy Finland's Talvivaara nickel mine - British investment firm Audley Capital Advisors has signed a conditional agreement to buy the key assets of Finland's troubled nickel miner Talvivaara , Audley and the Finnish government said on Thursday. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Wednesday, March 11

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Tuesday's trading session at $6.38/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.05/lb higher, with other London traded base metals trading mostly higher as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses fell on Tuesday and now total just under the 432,500 tonne level. While nickel closed above resistance of $6.53/lb on Monday, it was unable to hold that level on Tuesday, having been caught up in a worldwide sell off. Today, base metals are trying to find their way back, but a weaker Euro is forcing them to fight a strong headwind. European equity markets are trading higher and this enthusiasm is giving metals a boost. Citi is sticking with their forecast that nickel prices will rise - and have been forced to push out the day of doom to the second half of this year. Here is a news flash for you from last year - July 14 (Bloomberg) -- Nickel, the best-performing base metal this year, will extend its rally as the market is headed for a bigger deficit than previously forecast in the wake of Indonesia’s ore export ban, according to Citigroup Inc.  - Nickel, of course, performed quite the opposite and instead have fallen since this forecast was made. And we don't mean to pick on any one analyst. Here is an article from May of last year quoting numerous analysts - "Nickel due to let off more steam, but rally to power on". Eventually, their forecasts will probably prove true, although it remains to be seen how severe any shortage will be and what effect it will have on the traded price in nickel. While nickel ore stockpiles in China continue to fall, although not nearly as fast as earlier forecast, stockpiles of LME nickel stockpiles continue to break records, and no one forecast that for 2015. So pick your poison, but be careful betting the farm on any forecast made by any analyst. 
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.35/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - Copper edges up as bears retreat, capped by weak China data - more


  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • SSY - Steel inventories in the major cities of China surged to 16.0 Mt in the eight days to the 6 March, up from 13.7 Mt on the 25 February, according to data from U-metal. This is the highest level since the second week of May 2014.
  • Small Business Economic Trends, Feb. 2014 - more
  • Euro sinks to 12-year lows as yield gap grows - more

    Global nickel prices set to pick-up in H2 2015: Citi Research - Nickel prices are expected to recover globally in the second half of the year on declining nickel pig iron production, stronger demand from the European stainless steel market and reduced nickel ore availability, Citi Research said in a report Tuesday, March 10. - more

    Indonesia attracts $1.4 bln in investment for 11 nickel smelters - Eleven new nickel smelters are to be built in Indonesia over the next two years at a cost of $1.4 billion, a mining ministry official said, a sign that laws requiring domestic processing of ores are having an impact after initial resistance from the industry. - more

    Company conducts Ramu mine inspection - A joint venture partner in the Ramu nickel project in Madang, Highlands Pacific Ltd (HPL), last week arrived to do a general inspection on how the mine plant and equipment are being maintained and operated. - more

    Shanghai to Launch Nickel Futures on Mar. 27 - China’s first nickel futures contract is expected to be launched on Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) on Mar. 27, local media reported. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Tuesday, March 10

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Monday's trading session at $6.54/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.12/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading lower as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses have returned to setting all time record highs on a near daily basis - and after a large gain on Monday, now total 432,900 tonnes. During the entire month of February, stockpiles only set a new record high on three days. A new record high has already been set five times this month. Nickel closed above resistance yesterday, but a stronger US Dollar is putting heavy pressure on all base metals today, and nickel is trading back below the $6.53/lb line of resistance. Today's trading has also seen the price of nickel break out of an upward channel that had been in place the last week.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.34/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - London copper turns lower as dollar firms - more


  • Damstahl Stainless Steel Report - March 2015 - Tiny Signs of Spring and Cautious Optimism - pdf here
  • Supply Management Commodity prices from the March 2015 issue - pdf here
  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (MP) China nickel ore imports down 84.14pc in January 2015

    Nickel Prices Look Poised to Rebound - Prices of nickel hit their lowest levels in more than a year last week, suggesting it is just another metal suffering from weaker Chinese demand growth and a strong dollar. - more

    How to read the changing signals from China's metals trade: Andy Home - China will be the key determinant of industrial metal prices this year. - more

    Import of Stainless Steel Scrap in January 2015 - According to the import statistics prepared by the Ministry of Finance, the import volume of stainless steel scrap in January 2015 was 9,331 tons, up by 8.0% from the prior month. The import by country is as shown in Table 1 and the same by discharge port in Table 2 respectively. - more

    Australian Discovery Metals Suspended from Botswana Bourse after Closing Copper Mine - Australian copper and nickel mining giant, Discovery Metals Limited (DML), has been suspended from the Botswana Stock Exchange and Australian Securities Exchange after the closure of its Boseto Copper Mine in western Botswana, where it had majority shares. - more

    Courtesy AISI - In the week ending March 7, 2015, domestic raw steel production was 1,645,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 69.6 percent. Production was 1,868,000 net tons in the week ending March 7, 2014 while the capability utilization then was 77.7 percent. The current week production represents a 11.9 percent decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending March 7, 2015 is down 0.7 percent from the previous week ending February 28, 2015 when production was 1,657,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 70.1 percent.

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Monday, March 9

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Friday's trading session at $6.53/lb . Indicators at 7:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading flat , with other London traded base metals trading mostly higher, but only slightly. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses fell by less than 100 tonnes off of Friday's all time record opening high of 431,952 tonnes.  SMM reports nickel ore inventories at five major Chinese ports fell by 345,000 tonnes over the last week, and measure 11.43 million tonnes. Nickel is hitting resistance at $6.53/lb and so far, is showing little success at breaking above it.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.30/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - Copper recovers from 2-week low on hopes for Chinese demand - more


  • U.S. Imports of Stainless Steel Mill Products - more
  • World Crude Steel Production - pdf here
  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (Reuters) Many investors have been waiting for shortages to kick in since Indonesia banned exports of unprocessed ore last year, but additional supplies from the Philippines filled the gap. The steady rise in inventories may be due to softer than expected demand in China, said Nic Brown, head of commodities research at Natixis. "I worry that the picture in China is worse than we had appreciated. Look at ordinary carbon steel and clearly there's a degree of carnage going on ... will stainless steel be affected similarly?" Nickel's biggest market is as an ingredient in stainless steel.
  • (Reuters) Analysts at Macquarie Bank said nickel demand in China should get a boost from a government order to close some nickel pig iron (NPI) factories to curb pollution, citing the China research house Antaike. "This will worsen the supply situation for nickel and accelerate a deficit in nickel," Macquarie said in a note.
  • (SSY) Daily crude steel output at China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) member mills rose sharply to 1.77 Mt in the last eight days of February, according to data from the industry association reported by SteelFirst. This compares with 1.64 Mt/day in the preceding ten days and is the highest daily production rate since early January. It was, however, still below the same period in 2014 when steel production also experienced a surge.
  • (SMM) 9 NPI producers in Linyi City, Shandong Province have been required to stop production for failing to meet environmental protection inspections, local media reported.
  • China's commodity imports slow in February amid annual holiday - more

    LME Ni Average Price in February Down by 1.6% from Prior Month = It dipped below US$14,000 under declining trend, and month-end inventory increases to 429,000 tons = LME monthly average price in February 2015 was <> Cash seller: US$14,534.50 per ton (US$6.593 per lb) and <> 3-month seller: US$14,593.00 per ton (US$6.619 per lb). When compared with the average price in January, both prices for cash seller and 3-month seller were down by 1.6% respectively. (Hereinafter, the price is per ton.) - more

    European stainless mills eye modest base price rise, stocks drawn down - European stainless steel producers are targeting a modest increase in base prices for flat products now that the destocking phases which has characterized the market since the fourth quarter of 2014 seems finally to be drawing to a close, sources said this week. - more

    No Movement at All in CR Austenitic Stainless Sheets in Asia - Negotiations on cold-rolled (CR) austenitic stainless steel sheets in Asia will be commenced for May shipment as the Chinese New Year holiday was over but there is no movement at all with no inquiries. Customers have not changed their wait-and-see stance without sending inquiries anticipating further decrease in prices. - more

    Miner Antam Reports Shock Loss - State-run diversified miner Aneka Tambang posted a surprising loss last year as the company’s sales declined on the back of a nickel ore export ban and weakening rupiah, which increased company expenses. - more

    Market Trend of Import of Ferroalloy as of 27 February 2015 = Price of Indian SiMn drops drastically, and trade of Chinese products is thin after holidays = The market trend of import of ferroalloy as of 27 February 2015 is as follows. - more

    Poseidon to bring three West Australian nickel mines off care and maintenance, despite low commodity price - Despite a dwindling commodity price, one West Australian nickel exploration and development company is busily trying to bring three mines back into production, at the same time. - more

    Chinese steelmakers face headwinds of slowing growth, glut in capacity - Chinese steelmakers are facing more headwinds this year as economic growth slows and need government support to tackle long-term overcapacity, the chairman of Anshan Iron & Steel Group said. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
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Thursday, March 5

    We will be traveling the rest of this week, so our next daily update will be on Monday , March 9th. Have a safe and relaxing weekend.

  Abridged/Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)

  • Three month nickel closed Wednesday's trading session at $6.34/lb . Indicators at 6:30 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.09/lb higher, with other London traded base metals trading higher as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses rose to another record high on Wednesday and now total 431,442 tonnes. Cancelled warrants continue to rise as well, reading over 28% yesterday.  
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.23/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - China stimulus hopes fuel gains; inventory spike caps copper - more

  Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here

Wednesday, March 4

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Tuesday's trading session at $6.21/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.11/lb higher, with other London traded base metals trading higher as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses rose to a new record high on Tuesday and now total 431,274 tonnes. Cancelled warrants have risen from the 23% range to over 27% yesterday on renewed buying interest. We will have to wait and see if this buys are bets by trading houses, or actual purchases by users. India cut its interest rate overnight, in a surprise move, following China, who took a similar step to stimulate its economy last week. Nickel fell to trade at $6.06/lb early in today's session, and has jumped nearly $350/tonne since.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.23/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - London nickel near more than 1-yr low as bulls cut losses - more


  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more

    Inquiries of CR Stainless Sheets Increase Rapidly from EU - According to a source, inquiries of cold-rolled (CR) stainless steel sheets are increasing from the European region. - more

    London Metal Exchange considering extension of LME sword warrant oversight - The London Metal Exchange is considering whether its electronic LME sword system could be used to oversee metal stored outside the exchange, an executive said on Tuesday, the latest sign that a financing fraud on the mainland is still roiling banks and trading. - more

    Russia's Hi-Carbon Ferro-Chrome exports plunged during 2014 - According to latest government statistics, the Russian Hi-Carbon ferro-chrome alloy exports declined sharply during 2014. - more

    Japanese mining giant threatened aid cut in bid to win Solomon Islands deal - A mining giant financed by the Japanese government threatened to have foreign aid withdrawn from the Solomon Islands in a campaign to win rights to a lucrative nickel deposit. - more

    Australia's mining woes laid bare - Australia’s mining sector is a less attractive destination for financiers, with concerns mounting over the health of junior mining companies. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Tuesday, March 3

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Monday's trading session at $6.30/lb . Indicators at 6:40 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.08/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading lower as well. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses lost just  few tonnes on Monday and sit just shy of yesterday's record high of 430,944 tonnes. Technically, nickel closed below support of $6.31/lb yesterday and a second close  below that level today, could send the market another bearish signal. We show the next line of support at $6.24/lb , but even that appears to be under challenge today. The strength of the US Dollar is adding negative pressure, as is the uncertainty about what is going on in the China economy.   
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $6.30/lb
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - Copper dips as China outlook glum, dollar gains seen - more


  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more
  • (SSY) Daily crude steel output at China Iron and Steel Association member mills rose to 1.638 Mt in the ten days ending 20 February, according to data from the industry association reported by SteelFirst. This is up from 1.628 Mt/day in the first ten days of the month, but below the year-ago level of 1.689 Mt/day.
  • Metals tycoon Potanin becomes Russia's richest man-Forbes - more
  • Renewed warming in the tropical Pacific Ocean - more

    Nickel Pig Iron: A Cheaper Nickel Alternative - Nickel is an essential base metal used in many industries, but its hefty price tag could be a problem for countries wanting to import the said metal. - more

    Zimbabwe's Bindura Nickel sees December smelter restart - Zimbabwe's Bindura Nickel Corporation will restart its smelter by December after raising $20 million from a five-year bond, a company official said on Tuesday. - more

    Russia's Export of Ferro-chrome in Full Year 2014 = High-carbon product is 129,685 tons and low-carbon product is 216,849 tons = Russia's export volume of high-carbon ferro-chrome (C > 4%) in the full year 2014 (January - December) was 129,685 tons, down by 21.3% from 164,741 tons of the prior year. - more

    Eco-activists slam 3 mining firms tied to LP for over-extraction of nickel - Environmental advocates marked the 20th anniversary of the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 Tuesday with a protest, even as they accused Malacañang of shielding mining firms with close ties to the Liberal Party (LP). - more

    Nickel producer profits P4.8B in July-December - Global Ferronickel Holdings, Inc. reported P4.8 billion in net income in the six months ending December last year, while operating revenue reached P9.05 billion, according to its financial report submitted to the stock exchange yesterday. - more

    Courtesy AISI - In the week ending February 28, 2015, domestic raw steel production was 1,657,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 70.1 percent. Production was 1,824,000 net tons in the week ending February 28, 2014, while the capability utilization then was 75.8 percent. The current week production represents a 9.2 percent decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending February 28, 2015 is down 3.4 percent from the previous week ending February 28, 2015 when production was 1,716,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 72.6 percent.

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

Monday, March 2

  Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
  • Three month nickel closed Friday's trading session at $6.39/lb . Indicators at 6:50 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.06/lb lower, with other London traded base metals trading little changed. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses rose to a third consecutive record high on Monday and now totals 430,944 tonnes. SMM reports stockpiles of nickel ore at five major ports is at 11.77 million tonnes, exactly where it was on Feb 16th, before the week long Lunar New Year holiday. Nickel is lower today, even in light of a surprise rate cut in China. This cut appears to be reaffirming traders concerns of an economic slowdown in China. Look to $6.31/lb to offer support for nickel.
  • Average price of cash nickel so far this month - n/a
  • Average price of LME traded nickel in 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
  • (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
  • Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
  • Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
  • Reuters metals morning - Copper retreats from 7-week peak after China rate cut - more


  • The Dig – Haywood Mining Team’s week in review - pdf here
  • Reuters Metals Insider - pdf here
  • Commonwealth Daily Alert - pdf here
  • KBC Commodity Report - here
  • Angel Metals Fundamental Report - here
  • DNB Metals Weekly - pdf here
  • Mico Metals Weekly - pdf here  
  • Hedge Equities Commodity Report - pdf here
  • MacNicol Morning Notes - pdf here
  • Mangal Commodities Metals & Energy - pdf here
  • Danske Weekly Focus - pdf here

  Commodity/Economic Comments

  • China Stainless Steel Scrap Market News / Price - more
  • Yieh Daily Asian Stainless Steel News - more
  • Gerdau Steel Market Update - more
  • European Debt Crisis Live - more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel - more

    Nickel Prices to Rally, but Marginally, SMM Expects - Nickel market now stages price rallies, and any upward room for nickel prices will be small, Shanghai Metals Market foresees. - more

    Disappointing Prospects For Stainless Steel Demand Growth In 2015 - Stainless steel purchase tonnages have failed to pick up, in early 2015, in the major consuming markets. - more

    No immediate relief for stainless steel sector: Jindal Stainless - Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced Union Budget in parliament on Saturday, Feb. 28, 2015 aiming at high growth, saying the pace of cutting the fiscal deficit would slow as he seeks to boost investment and ensure that ordinary people benefit. - more

    Port congestion fixed, Malacañang says - The volume of cargo ship in and out of the seaports in the Philippines also grew faster in 2014 amid the congestion, the Philippine Ports Authority reports - more

    Ring of Fire road proposal to get $785,000 government study - The Ring of Fire mining development area in northern Ontario is getting a $785,000 boost as the federal and provincial governments announce a joint study of an all-weather road for the isolated region. - more

    Sirius to supply nickel concentrate to BHP's Nickel West business - Nickel developer Sirius Resources has struck a deal with BHP Billiton to supply nickel concentrate to the mining major's Nickel West business. - more

    SFC wins court order to wind up China metal recycler for forgery - The Securities and Futures Commission won a landmark court order to wind up China Metal Recycling (Holdings), which said it was the mainland's largest recycler of scrap metal but was alleged by the SFC to have grossly inflated sales and profit by forging documents and transactions. - more

  Morning Nickel Price Statistics & Figures

  • Today's almost official prices here  /  Yesterday's actual LME official prices here or here
  • Shanghai Jinchuan nickel price - available here or here (updated)
  • India MCX Nickel Price - more  more
  • 100 Years of Stainless Steel Video - online here
  • Please let us know if any of these links stop working, stop carrying info, or become available to subscriber's only. We encourage our readers to use the services of those companies who supply news and information free of charge. Contact us

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